Location LocationDenver, ColoradoLincoln, NebraskaOmaha, NebraskaWashington, D.C. Service Practice AreaAgricultureAsset Protection and Recovery BankruptcyBusiness ServicesCommercial LitigationConstructionDispute ResolutionEstate Planning, Trusts and EstatesFinancial InstitutionsLabor & EmploymentNeutral Services-Mediation and ArbitrationPersonal Injury and Products LiabilityReal EstateRenewable EnergyTaxationTelecommunications Profile Type TypeAttorneysProfessional Staff Name Kaylen K. Akert Kaylen K. Akert Attorney kakert@woodsaitken.com Colin P. Baumchen Colin P. Baumchen Attorney cbaumchen@woodsaitken.com Cheryl Bland Cheryl Bland Legal Assistant cbland@woodsaitken.com Pamela J. Bourne Pamela J. Bourne Attorney pbourne@woodsaitken.com Wendy Boyd Wendy Boyd Paralegal wboyd@woodsaitken.com Tyra Brown Tyra Brown Clerk tbrown@woodsaitken.com Julia Carlson Julia Carlson Administrative Assistant jcarlson@woodsaitken.com Daniel R. Carnahan Daniel R. Carnahan Attorney dcarnahan@woodsaitken.com Sarah L. Carstensen Sarah L. Carstensen Attorney scarstensen@woodsaitken.com Alvin M. Cohen Alvin M. Cohen Of Counsel acohen@woodsaitken.com Ashley H. Connell Ashley H. Connell Attorney aconnell@woodsaitken.com Laura J. DePetro Laura J. DePetro Attorney ldepetro@woodsaitken.com Katie Dey Katie Dey Paralegal kdey@woodsaitken.com Craig C. Dirrim Craig C. Dirrim Attorney cdirrim@woodsaitken.com Terry C. Dougherty Terry C. Dougherty Of Counsel tdougherty@woodsaitken.com Shannon Draper Shannon Draper Paralegal sdraper@woodsaitken.com Erin L. Ebeler Erin L. Ebeler Attorney eebeler@woodsaitken.com Natalie Eljamal Natalie Eljamal Administrative Assistant neljamal@woodsaitken.com Robert B. Evnen Robert B. Evnen Of Counsel revnen@woodsaitken.com Abby R. Frame Abby R. Frame Attorney aframe@woodsaitken.com Kory D. George Kory D. George Attorney kgeorge@woodsaitken.com Daniel M. Gross Daniel M. Gross Of Counsel dgross@woodsaitken.com Nathan J. Gurnsey Nathan J. Gurnsey Attorney ngurnsey@woodsaitken.com Jonathan Hain Jonathan Hain Clerk jhain@woodsaitken.com Joel D. Heusinger Joel D. Heusinger Attorney jheusinger@woodsaitken.com Ana V. Hingorani Ana V. Hingorani Attorney ahingorani@woodsaitken.com Amanda C. Hoberg Amanda C. Hoberg Attorney ahoberg@woodsaitken.com Kerry L. Kester Kerry L. Kester Of Counsel kkester@woodsaitken.com Andrew B. Koszewski Andrew B. Koszewski Attorney akoszewski@woodsaitken.com Amanda Landaverde Amanda Landaverde Clerk alandaverde@woodsaitken.com Lena A. Lucas Lena A. Lucas Attorney llucas@woodsaitken.com Dennis A. Mann, CLM Dennis A. Mann, CLM Firm Administrator dmann@woodsaitken.com Michael D. Matejka Michael D. Matejka Attorney mmatejka@woodsaitken.com Chad Mawson Chad Mawson IT Manager cmawson@woodsaitken.com Sarah K. Mielke Sarah K. Mielke Attorney smielke@woodsaitken.com Frank J. Mihulka Frank J. Mihulka Of Counsel fmihulka@woodsaitken.com Jessica Miller Jessica Miller Legal Assistant jmiller@woodsaitken.com Thomas J. Moorman Thomas J. Moorman Of Counsel tmoorman@woodsaitken.com Lisa Mueller Lisa Mueller Paralegal / Assistant Administrator lmueller@woodsaitken.com Robin Neumeier Robin Neumeier Legal Assistant rneumeier@woodsaitken.com Cheryl Nielson Cheryl Nielson Legal Assistant cnielson@woodsaitken.com James A. Overcash James A. Overcash Attorney jovercash@woodsaitken.com William A. Ozaki William A. Ozaki Attorney wozaki@woodsaitken.com Lindsay Pape Lindsay Pape Marketing Director lpape@woodsaitken.com Latisa Phillips Latisa Phillips Legal Assistant lphillips@woodsaitken.com Jerry L. Pigsley Jerry L. Pigsley Attorney jpigsley@woodsaitken.com Rich Powers Rich Powers Paralegal rpowers@woodsaitken.com Lyndsey Reddish Lyndsey Reddish Paralegal lreddish@woodsaitken.com Karen B. Rogers Karen B. Rogers Attorney krogers@woodsaitken.com Kari A. F. Scheer Kari A. F. Scheer Attorney kscheer@woodsaitken.com Lisa Schmidt Lisa Schmidt Bookkeeper lschmidt@woodsaitken.com Paul M. Schudel Paul M. Schudel Attorney pschudel@woodsaitken.com Bruce A. Smith Bruce A. Smith Attorney bsmith@woodsaitken.com Vickie Starr Vickie Starr Assistant Administrator vstarr@woodsaitken.com Audrey R. Svane Audrey R. Svane Attorney asvane@woodsaitken.com Drew Thompson Drew Thompson Litigation Support Coordinator dthompson@woodsaitken.com Patrick T. Vint Patrick T. Vint Attorney pvint@woodsaitken.com Todd W. Weidemann Todd W. Weidemann Attorney tweidemann@woodsaitken.com Lexi A. Weisbeck Lexi A. Weisbeck Attorney lweisbeck@woodsaitken.com Lauren Wismer Lauren Wismer Paralegal lwismer@woodsaitken.com