Woods Aitken LLP, along with the Lincoln Human Resource Management Association and the Lincoln Journal Star, invite you to attend Lincoln's 2021 Best Places to Work awards celebration.
Please join us at this celebratory event honoring the area's top businesses that have created positive work environments for their employees. Find out about their company philosophies and learn how they keep their employees engaged!
Winners were determined based on the results of the Best Places to Work in Lincoln survey conducted in early 2021.
The final rankings for each category will be announced at an awards celebration on June 10 at Haymarket Park. Lincoln's 2021 Best Places to Work winners in alphabetical order are:
Small Companies (10-24 employees):
Complete Hearing
Medium Companies (25-49 employees):
Don’t Panic Labs
Large Companies (50-149 employees):
Brester Construction, Inc.
Extra Large Companies (150+ employees):
Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals
Reservations can be made through April 30, 2021, at www.woodsaitken.com/bptw. Don't miss this chance to network with these innovative companies and learn what it takes to be one of the Best Places to Work in Lincoln!
Woods Aitken LLP, the Lincoln Human Resource Management Association, and the Lincoln Journal Star are proud to sponsor the Best Places to Work in Lincoln competition. The Best Places to Work awards come from research and employee surveys by Quantum Workplace of Omaha.